seek justice
Defend the oppressed
Take up the cause
plead the case
seek justice • Defend the oppressed
Take up the cause • plead the case
Our name is taken from the verse found in Isaiah 1:17 in which God tells His people to “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” While it is true that many of the children in foster care are not fatherless and are not true orphans, they do have moms and dads who cannot care for them right now. We believe that God has called us as the Christians to stand in the gap; to love and care for these children until their parents are able to have them live with them once again.
Partnering with Kansas Churches
In Kansas where foster care is privatized, the “state” also means the contracted child-placing agencies. We work to recruit, train and offer ongoing support to new Christian foster and adoptive families through the local Church. However, we are not responsible for licensing homes or the placement of children.
We inform local Christians of the need for foster and adoptive parents through the local churches in their area. When families are interested in becoming a foster or adoptive family, offer the instruction needed to do so. And we inspire these new families to continue to serve in the lives of children long-term by offering support through a volunteer Christian Family Support worker as well as working in partnership with their home church to organize ongoing support for the family.

Our story is growing
Foster the Cause began in the heart of a handful of Christians who had a heart for kids in foster care and had some experience with The CALL of Arkansas before moving to the Topeka area. Once established in Kansas God continuing to burden their hearts for Kansas kids and a desire to inspire the local church to join him in the work God was calling them to. Soon afterward, Foster the Cause launched in Topeka.
In the fall of 2019, God began to prick the heart of another handful of Kansans, this time in the western portion of the state. They were introduced to the ministry and after much prayer, the decision to start an affiliate office in Northwest Kansas was made. A few short months later, in October 2020, we launched the new office.
Our story is growing
Foster the Cause began in the heart of a handful of Christians who had a heart for kids in foster care and had some experience with The CALL of Arkansas before moving to the Topeka area. Once established in Kansas God continuing to burden their hearts for Kansas kids and a desire to inspire the local church to join him in the work God was calling them to. Soon afterward, Foster the Cause launched in Topeka.
In the fall of 2019, God began to prick the heart of another handful of Kansans, this time in the western portion of the state. They were introduced to the ministry and after much prayer, the decision to start an affiliate office in Northwest Kansas was made. A few short months later, in October 2020, we launched the new office.

Northwest Region
Our Northwest office works primarily with churches and families in Ellis and Barton counties – but also able to serve families in adjacent counties.

Northeast Region
Our Topeka/Northeast office works primarily with churches and families in Shawnee and Douglas Counties—but also able to serve families in any county that is adjacent to the Capital County, including Jackson, Jefferson, Osage, Wabaunsee, and Pottawatomie.